I have exciting news to share on several fronts:
Lisa Quoresimo, who directed a workshop of my play Daisy Violet the Bitch Beast King at the UC Davis Ground and Field Festival in 2018, has just published an article about the process! It’s called “Daisy Violet the Bitch Beast King: Framing Chaos and Ritual,” and you can find it in Frontier: A Journal of Women Studies. It’s available HERE.
My audio ghost story, “Vacationland,” will be featured in Penobscot Theatre Company’s digital season, as part of Ghost Postcards from Maine. Info and tickets available HERE.
I will have a short play in Post-Industrial Productions’ virtual series, Digitally Dramatized: Video Plays for the New World. Bella Poynton is directing! More info available HERE.
And, as always, Sarah Cho and I continue to interview playwrights, directors, and other theater artists on our podcast Beckett’s Babies. We have some exciting things in store for the months ahead, so be sure to tune in!