Photo by Ben Hale

I am a playwright, poet, and theater artist.

I am especially interested in stories about climate change, queerness, and the natural world. I’m also pretty excited about puppets, monsters, magic, and wild animals. I believe humor is nourishing and necessary. I believe in a theater that’s big enough to hold all our stories and brave enough to help us face the future.

My plays include The Light That’s Left; A Hundred Circling Camps; Daisy Violet the Bitch Beast King; thing with feathers; Quiet, Witches, and Silo Tree.

My poems have appeared in the Dunes Review, Claw & Blossom, What Rough Beast, SixfoldIron Horse Literary Review, Mortar Magazine, Liminal Stories Magazine, The Puritan, Prompt Press, and Guernica.

I hold an MFA in playwriting from the University of Iowa, and I am currently pursuing a PhD in Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder.

I co-host the podcast Beckett’s Babies with Sarah Cho.

Visit my page at the New Play Exchange.